Yesterday I visited the breeding colonies of Vlissingen, the place where RJ Buijs has his project. He kindly gave me directions to the best ring-reading sites, and with this in hand (and despite the wind and rain), I managed to read 59 of his rings (29 LBBG's and 30 Herrings), 1 LBBG and 1 Herring of Eric Stienen, and 1 Herring ringed by the North Thames Gull Group).
Since the weather was really bad, not many gull-pictures worked out well, but I also made some pictures of how the places look like, maybe nice for ring-readers who often see these rings, to have an idea of where these birds come from :-)
Highlights were the Herring gull ringed by the Nort Thames Gull Group, and off course some birds which I saw before (mainly) in Gent, including
white U.1: I saw this bird the day before in Gent :-)

A few pictures of the colony of Vlissingen-Oost Quarleshaven.

Part of the colony of Vlissingen-Oost Van Cittershaven.
And now some gull pictures:

yellow R8 (RJ Buijs), ringed as an ault in the same colony.

A crappy picture of Herring
orange NR6T (NTGG), ringed earlier this year in the UK.

blue 9P (RJ Buijs).

red D1 (RJ Buijs).

LBBG white G.5 (RJ Buijs), seen in Spain last winter.