With all the snow today, I decided to make a trip to my local patches without my camera. Not a good idea, because lots of birds around. Since most of the water was frozen, I could scan lots of gulls, which resulted in some nice observations.
The first bird to be seen was Danish Black-headed gull
white VSB (KT Pedersen), present now for its 3rd winter here. This is my first observation this winter, last time I saw it was on 21/11/2009.
Next was
yellow EHNP (T Audenaert and G Spanoghe) at the Tolhuisbrug, a Belgian bird also seen last week. There I could also read two metal-ringed Black-headed gulls: one from Belgium and one from Slovakia! Also present was
white VSH (KT Pedersen), the other Danish bird wintering here, and Herring gull
orange 09 (RJ Buijs), only my second observation (previous one was on 11/07/2009).
Finally I also saw my first-ever c-ringed Common gull:
green CL42, which turned out te be a bird from Finland. A picture made by G Spanoghe can be seen here: http://www.natuurpuntgent.be/VWG_sourcecode/waarnemingen.php
Also around were 2 flocks of Northern long-tailed tits (5 and 3 birds), always nice to see these! Let's hope the weather is a bit better tomorrow, so I can get out with my camera.